Cyber securitry

Cyber Security a short Introduction

Cyber security procedures are security standards that enable enterprises to employ safe security measures in order to reduce the number of effective cyber security attacks.

Furthermore, cyber security protects key systems and sensitive data from a growing number of constantly changing threats, unlawful access, vulnerabilities, and attacks delivered via the Internet by cyber criminals.

Cyber Security Includes:

+ Communication Security – protection of the communication technology and content

+ Network Security – protection of the networking components, connection and content.

+ Information Security – protection of the data and all of its essential components, such as the technology and software used to use, store, or transfer the data.

Major security Problems:

  • Virus:
    • A virus is a program that loads onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes.
    • Prevention : Install a security suite that provides the computer against threats such as viruses and worm.
  • Hacker:
    • A hacker is person who breaks into computers, usually by gaining access to administrative controls.
    • Prevention: It may be impossible to prevent computer hacking however effective security controls including strong passwords, and the use of firewalls can help.
  • Malware: “MALicious softWARE”
    • Any software that infects and also damages a computer system without the owner’s knowledge or permission is a Malware.
    • Prevention: You may download an anti-malware program, activate Network Threat Protection, Firewall, Antivirus for this purpose.
  • Trojan Horses:
    • Trojan Horses are email viruses that can duplicate themselves, steal information, or harm the computer system. These viruses are evidently the most serious threats to computers.
    • Prevention: Security suites will prevent you from downloading Trojan Horses.
  • Password cracking:
    • Password attacks are attacks by hackers that are able to determine passwords as well as find passwords to different protected electronic areas and social network sites.
    • Prevention: You should always use Strong Password. Additionally never use same password for different accounts.

Cyber crimes

Cyber crimes includes:

  • Illegal Access
  • Illegal Interception
  • System Interference
  • Data Interference
  • Misuse of Devices
  • Fraud

Why care about Cyber Crimes:

Cyber-crime occurs on the internet and is similar to other types of criminal activity in the physical world. Above all it too needs to be monitored and reduced for better safety over the internet.

The tool used for the crime as well as the target device, both are computers in the case of Cyber crime. Consequently the inability to protect any organizational architecture form such crimes results in the loss of important information as well as monetary loss.

Likewise some of the major cyber threats that has been recorded in the past are:

The first cyber crime was recorded in the year 1820.

The earliest spam email that was recorded took place in 1978 when it was sent over the Arpanet.

The very first Virus was installed on an Apple Computer in 1982.

How can we improve?

For a secure and protected network:

  • You can read Privacy policy carefully when you submit the data through internet.
  • Encryption: lots of website use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to encrypt data. You may use encryption methods to secure your private information over the internet.
  • There are different tools that you can use to monitor the security in the system in use. You can especially monitor remote connectivity with high priority.

You can learn more about network security here and network consultations in Nepal over here.

Additionally to know more about malware here is a blog post we have written. Feel free to contact us at

Author: Subin Shrestha